CBD Oil and Skin Care: Unlock the secret to beauty

With all the controversy surrounding CBD, you might ask “Where do beauty products fit in, specifically CBD Oil and Skin Care?”

What is CBD? In case you have missed previous blogs, I will give a brief description here. CBD (Cannabidiol) is a compound and one of the key ingredients in cannabis that is non-psychoactive, not like that other, much talked about compound – THC. It is very safe and therapeutic.

indecision, CBD Oil and Skin Care

Is CBD Beneficial?

Let’s look at the benefits associated with CBD: it’s anti-inflammatory, aids in providing relief from chronic anxiety, and acne, supports sleep and stress-free living, and is used in the management of several medical conditions and diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, arthritis, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Main Ingredients in CBD

In addition to these benefits, CBD contains vitamins A, C, E, and Omega 3 – fatty acids (which all aid in soothing, calming and combatting wrinkles), as well as B complex vitamins which include riboflavin, thiamine, potassium, phosphorus, iron, niacin, zinc, calcium, and magnesium. Who knew? It is also a source of protein containing all 20 amino acids including the 9 essential ones our body can’t make on its own (Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine). Why wouldn’t we want to use CBD oil and skin care products as part of our beauty routine?

Guide to Buying CBD Oil and Skin Care Products

Not all CBD products are created equally.

There are certain qualifiers you should check for when purchasing a quality CBD product, whether it is for medical reasons, beauty, and skincare products or health wellness.

Quality, CBD oil and skin care

The Ministry of Hemp gives the following guidelines:

(1) Research the vendor’s production methods – they should have a website or someone who can give you information. They also suggest using the ethanol or CO2 extraction method.

(2) Know where your hemp (CBD source) comes from. In the US, for example, farmers are required to get certification from state departments of agriculture.

(3) Note how much THC is in the CBD oil and make sure it does not exceed the recommended 0.3 percent.

(4) Make sure the manufacturer uses the whole plant or Full Spectrum – this means the CBD not only contains Cannabinol but trace amounts of other cannabinoids including THC (up to 3%).

(5) A reputable company will provide recent lab results or quality customer service. Check their websites or ask questions if you cannot find the answer.

When in doubt, ask questions!

CBD Oil and Skin Care Trendsetters

Jessica Richards is a California native and the founder of Shen Beauty in Brooklyn. Ms. Richards started carrying Lord Jones body lotion this past year and uses the lotion for pain management. Lord Jones is also planning to launch a CBD-based face care line this year.

Others getting on the CBD oil and skin care bandwagon include:

Khus & Khus (a skin and body care line by Kristi Blustein) includes a face serum with a unique formula containing European Eco-certified CBD oil. It is good for skin conditions – acne, eczema, dermatitis, dry skin, ageing, fine lines, psoriasis, and pigmentation.

Husband and wife Claudia and Zander in Northern California have founded a company called Vertly, which carries a plant-based topical line of lip balm and a couple of lotions. I look forward to trying one of their lip balms – the peppermint.

Cannuka founders, Michael, and Kelly Bumgarner have created a natural product line using the unique blend of CBD and Manuka honey from New Zealand with plans to add more health and wellness products soon.

These are just a few companies using CBD in their beauty, skincare products, and health wellness.

a woman with beautiful clear skin, CBD oil and skin care

Testimonials of CBD Oil and Skin Care

Becky Adam, the founder of Lovebud, based out of California likes to call it the ‘superfood’ of skincare due to the vitamins and omega fatty acids previously mentioned. She created Lovebud for her skin and stands by her products.

Actress Olivia Wilde, known for her role as Dr. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley on the medical drama television series House (I loved that show!), is big on the benefits of CBD body lotion and has used it for pain management with her neck.

For more information watch this video here.

Others exploring the benefits of CBD oil and skin care are Ilde Pekar, a Hungarian facialist who believes “skincare is health care’ and Boy Smells who uses cannabis mainly for the scent and has created the Kush candle, a blend of cannabis, suede, white musk, tulip, and amber. We could say that this does fall under Health Wellness because there are studies conducted on fragrance therapy.

CBD and Skin Care Products Available

Some available products only use hemp oil, which is legal in almost all states (again, there is controversy surrounding this statement), while others use pure CBD oil.

CBD and skin products include Bath Salts; Eye Serum, Facial Serum, Lip Balm, Body Lotion, Moisturizing Face Lotion, Hair Treatment, and Body Wash.


For example, Cannabidiol Life, whose motto is Planting The Seeds of Health & Wellness,” has an anti-ageing skin serum that has received positive reviews from happy users. Made with natural, organic ingredients, this serum is reasonably priced considering the hundreds of dollars we use to keep our skin from ageing. Its special formula claims to smooth wrinkles and tighten the skin. This company also carries other natural products such as a Body Butter and a Lemon Grass Balm.

As you can see, CBD is changing the face of beauty and skincare, giving us natural products that are not chemically laden.

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute a legal endorsement. It is up to you to make sure using CBD oil or medical marijuana is legal in your area of residence, whether for medical or recreational purposes.

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I hope you have enjoyed this article on CBD oil and skincare. Please comment and let me know if you have tried any products and what your thoughts are. Were you impressed, would you recommend them? Would you try them?

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9 thoughts on “CBD Oil and Skin Care: Unlock the secret to beauty”

    • Hi Marg. Thank you for your interest. Unfortunaltey, the only way you can obtain cbd in Canada is through a medical license until the Recreational Marijuana law is paased, which is legislated for August. In the US, it is available in almost all the states. As for getting a medical marijuana license, there are several places but the one I am familiar with is Body Stream out of London. You do not need your doctor to refer you as they will work with you directly. I hope this ansswers your question.

  1. Hey Mary Ann.
    Clearly the beauty part of this is now what I am interested in but I do have a rather horrible form of arthritis, psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis as you probably know effects the skin and psoriatic arthritis goes a bit further and attacks the joints as well and can be debilitating.
    I am sure this will help and won’t do any harm?
    As much as New Zealand (where I live) is a very “green” country I do wonder if they would allow it to be imported here or if indeed it is available here.
    Your post has certainly got me thinking and I need to research availability a bit more.

  2. Hey Mary Ann.
    Clearly the beauty part of this is now what I am interested in but I do have a rather horrible form of arthritis, psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis as you probably know effects the skin and psoriatic arthritis goes a bit further and attacks the joints as well and can be debilitating.
    I am sure this will help and won’t do any harm?
    As much as New Zealand (where I live) is a very “green” country I do wonder if they would allow it to be imported here or if indeed it is available here.
    Your post has certainly got me thinking and I need to research availability a bit more.

    • Hi Lawrence. So sorry to hear about your medical conditions.It must be extremely painful. I did a little research on New Zealand for you and this is what I found:

      The Ministry of Health New Zealand says this about Cannabis:

      CBD is a class B1 controlled drug. It also goes on to say the following:
      • CBD is a class B1 controlled drug
      • Ministry of Health approval is not required to prescribe, supply or administer products for medical purposes if they meet the definition of a CBD product
      • Medical practitioners may prescribe CBD products to their patients
      • Medical practitioners and pharmacies are allowed to import CBD products, as are persons or companies holding a licence to deal in controlled drugs
      • Individual patients are not permitted to import CBD or any other cannabis based products
      • A maximum of three months’ supply is allowed on a prescription for CBD products.

      The article further talks about bringing it into New Zealand.

      I would advise you to read the information from this website (www.health.govt.nz/our-work/regulation-health-and-disability-system/medicines-control/medicinal-cannabis/cbd-products) as it is very detailed and even goes on to say what can be imported into New Zealand. I hope this information answers your questions.

  3. I have heard that CBD has a great effect for people who are suffering from major problems in life. Like you said, it is not THC, so people should not confuse the two even though they came from the same source, same plant.

    I heard that people suffering from chronic pain will feel much more passionate, alive and confident once they take CBD. I also know that it won’t really take away too much of the pain, but it really helps the person rebuild his or her mentality and fight the pain without giving into it. It is way better than crap like oxycodone where people can truly get addicted.

    I just didn’t know that it also contributes a lot of vitamins like A, C, and E. It even has omega 3s which I thought only existed in krill or fish oils, so it is also good for people with cardiovascular issues. One thing I have to be careful about is the hemp certification like you said. You just never know where this stuff comes from. However, is it a difficult thing to research?

    • Thank you so much for stopping by. Many people are using CBD oil and a lot of seniors are gravitation away from prescription drugs. Key is understanding that CBD is not THC and will not get you high. 

      I personally use the CBD for my pain in my hips and both knees and if I allow myself to run out, it doesn’t take long for the pain to keep me awake at night. I too have refused prescription drugs, mainly because of the side effects.

      The Ministry of Hemp gives guidelines about what to watch for when buying hemp or CBD oil and it is certainly within your right to ask these questions, especially if you are skeptical about the source.

  4. Of course, Cannabis helps with insomnia and stress. Duh! LOL. Just kidding.
    I find this topic very interesting. Hemp possesses many wonderful qualities but I was not aware of CBD oil skin care and health and wellness products.
    I guess it makes sense but you would really have to trust the manufacturer or supplier.
    I would like to look into this more. Thanks for the information.

    • Hi there. Like your sense of humour! Thanks for stopping by…

      Yes, this is all quite interesting stuff. Who knew you could use CBD for skin products but as you say it makes sense as there are so many nutrients and vitamins in it. Maybe some day it will be as common as picking up your favourite shaving cream or shampoo off the shelf. 


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