How to Best Support Kids with Stress: Helpful Tips

The pandemic is affecting everyone who stays at home.  Suddenly,  you have a family cloistered together in one house for days, weeks, maybe longer, looking for ways to keep sane. Our kids, especially, need reassurance at this difficult time. Here we will discuss a few tips for helping kids with stress during this difficult time.

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Being told to stay home is taking a toll on everyone – we are stressed, anxious, and afraid of the unknown. Children, from toddlers to older teens, find it hard to cope. They are facing such challenges as:

  • School closures
  • Missing special events
  • Missing friends and relatives
  • A potential fear of not graduating
  • Not being able to go outside
  • Boredom
  • Not having their questions answered
  • Disruptions of normal routines/activities
  • Frayed tempers
  • Fear of the unknown

According to the American Psychological Association, two new meta-analytic studies focusing on children and college students suggest there is more anxiety today among ‘normal’ children than there was in the 1950s.

This is a very trying time for parents to add even more stress. What can you do to support your children during this time?

Talk to Kids with Stress

It depends on how old your children are and what they understand. They need to understand what they can do to protect themselves to avoid the risks of infection.  Reassure them that anyone can get sick no matter who they are and we all have to help each other.

Have them wash their hands often with soap and water, especially at crucial times such as blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing, and going to the bathroom. If they are young, make it fun for them such as singing a song for at least 20 seconds. Stress not touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unclean hands.

Be Patient with Kids with Stress

More than ever, this is not the time to be short with your children. They have many questions and will need lots of love and extra attention. Respond in kind, positive ways. Praise them when they do something right. Pick your battles. Little children stuck inside all day will not be quiet for hours.

Let Kids with Stress Vent

They need to know it is ok to feel upset. Teach them some coping strategies such as breathing, listening to their favourite music, carrying around a cherished object in their pocket to touch when they feel panicky, creating art, and taking a relaxing bath. Ask them where their favourite place is and to think of it when they are feeling stressed. Better yet, talk to them about what you do during stress. For example, I read or do a crossword puzzle. It helps me to calm down.

Create and Enjoy Activities Together

Spend quality one-on-one time with your children – read or sing together, cook with them. My granddaughter always helped to make her French toast in the morning – even breaking the eggs in the bowl. It was something we loved doing together.

Go for a walk with your teen or talk about their favourite pastimes – sports, music, hobbies.

As a family, create some fun activities together. Ask them what they would like to do. These distractions will take their minds off stress.

Help Kids with Stress Stay Connected 

Teens are tech-savvy and many are already on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Let them know it is ok to socialize with their friends on social media. They need to feel connected while practicing social distancing.

As a family, you can talk to relatives using Skype, Facetime, etc.

This works for younger family members, keeping them in touch with their grandparents for example, or their school pals. Supervision and safety are important for all.

Establish Routines

Old routines may have to go out the window but you can establish new ones. Are they taking online classes? Set a schedule, same time each day.

Everyone needs a break. Divide chores – who will do what and when, such as preparing meals, cleaning, washing, and putting the dishes away. Get everyone involved in the process and schedule in time for some family fun too!

Let them know that there are certain times when you aren’t available to them, especially if you work from home. This is why it is important to spend quality time with them when you can.

If you had routines before that you can still do, stick with them. For example, reading a bedtime story to your child/children at night, bathing schedules, watching a favourite show as a family, going to bed at a certain time, etc.

Manage Your Stress – Breathe and Relax

Children are very intuitive and will recognize your emotions are out of whack.

  • Breathe

Take a deep breath. Believe it or not, learning to breathe properly can help you in times of stress!

There is a technique called the 4-7-8 breathing technique. It is believed to aid in reducing anxiety, aiding in sleeping, managing cravings, and controlling or reducing anger responses. It involves a breathing pattern whereby one empties the lungs of air, breathes quietly through the nose, holds their breath, exhales forcefully through the mouth, and repeats the cycle up to four times. If you want to try it, here is a video showing exactly how to do it.

  • Try Some CBD

Getting enough relaxation and sleep is important at any time, especially now when everything is upside down. A good night’s sleep is essential to face a new day. Your family will demand your attention and expect you to be there for them. Don’t let sleep deprivation add to your stress.

If you have used CBD products before, you are already reaping some benefits. If not, this recent article might be of interest. Rest isn’t a luxury right now – it’s essential.

We hope the above tips will help kids with stress.

Have you tried any of these tips? Do you have some to share? We would love to hear how you and your kids are coping during this time.

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6 thoughts on “How to Best Support Kids with Stress: Helpful Tips”

  1. Nice Post, needed for a period like this. Children can be made and unmade with every information you provide to them. And especially in this period where false and frightening information are all over the place, many children can develop stress easily. This makes your post very vital to every parent. We need to know the things to do to take away our children out of stress. Very helpful. Thanks for sharing. 

    • Thanks for checking out the article. Parents do influence their children and if they are upset or believe a lot of misinformation, they will pass that fear on to their children. As parents, we need to make their life less stressful right now.

  2. These are timely advice and I’d like to thank the author for such as generous share of thoughts. 

    I think male kids are more affected than female kids. Male kids are accustomed to roaming outdoor while a majority of female kids spend most of their time at home with their moms especially in Asian cultures. So, with this situation of being locked down because of COVID-19, I think parents should double their efforts on male children as they’re the most affected of being static at home.

    • Hello Gomer.  Maybe that is true in Asian cultures and maybe here in Mexico but not everywhere. In Canada, girls are very active, even play hockey, etc. But I agree most boys would rather be outside. Parents do need to help their children and to be patient with them.

  3. I am sure that kids suffer from stress too. Their lives have changed completely and all the freedom they used to have, now stuck at home with unhappy parents because us too are stressed from this crisis. I think being patient is the key here. We all lose our temper because we are not patient enough and that is making the situation worse, we are stuck at the house together.  Routine is important too. I find that riding a bicycle together does help with the tension. Hopefully all of this will end soon. 

    Be safe!

    • Just recognizing that you understand what your kids are going through is a step in the direction. You are right, patience is needed. Great idea to get out and ride together as a family. Stay safe too!


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