Woman, weed, border

When it comes to CBD, it’s best to hear what others have to say – how they have benefitted from CBD products and how it has affected their quality of life.


“My wisdom teeth have been impacted for years and recurrent ulcers were a problem for me. Last time I had an ulcer I decided to rub some cannabis oil on the affected area. Three days later the ulcer was gone and I’ve never had one since! That was over 12 months ago now. Results!” ~Lace, Uk

I am 77 years old, have RA, osteoarthritis, and joint/muscle/ligament pain from a hip replacement gone bad. I don’t tolerate opioids. I started using CBD cream a year ago on my different painful areas. I believe it has cumulative effects; I use it 1-3 times a day depending on my pain level. My pain and swelling is greatly diminished after a few days and stays that way for many days without the use of the cream. I feel it is important to find a good quality product, especially one without a strong odour, as we tend to not want to smell like horse liniment!? I would, and have, recommended CBD cream to others.” ~ Rosamond, CA

“I have recently begun using CBD oil, both Hemp and Marijuana varieties. I was nearly crippled from arthritis that set into my left knee (it’s damaged). I rub the oil from Cannabis into my knee with a bit of Flax oil, once or twice per day and take CBD oil from Hemp once a day. In a span of 6 weeks, I went from using a walker to a cane, to a brace to no support whatsoever. I love CBD!” ~ Madeleine, Province of Manitoba

I’m a male baby boomer and a licensed medical marijuana client. I take high CBD/low THC products such as oils, pills and edibles. Upon a recommendation from a friend, I ordered some caramels from a Canadian company. I ordered them on a Tuesday and received them on a Thursday which was great timing as I had just driven 430 km that day. I had one after dinner and within an hour I was relaxed, my back and hip pain were gone and I had a great sleep. The next morning, I woke up…not stiff or sore and went about my day which included playing with the grandkids, walking two huge dogs and cleaning out the fire pit.” ~ Charles, Ontario

“I am on my twelfth day of using CBD oil The results so far are: less joint pain, softer skin, and better sleep. So far, I am very satisfied with the oil.” ~ Marg, Montana

“I began using CBD a few months ago and I must say it is really a miracle substance. I had back pain, trouble sleeping; I would be extremely sore from working out. I tore my meniscus in one knee and it just wouldn’t heal. Anyway, I had a bunch of things wrong with me, so I began using CBD and now all of this is gone. I would recommend it to everyone.” ~ Jose, Tulare, California

“My son was born with Trisomy 2 Chromosomal Abnormality. With this genetic makeup came a host of challenging behaviours throughout childhood development. ADD, Autism, and Anxiety Disorders to name a few. At different stages, medical intervention was needed. However,  the most effective treatment was the approved use of CBD drops to control anxiety, calm behaviours and control hyperactivity at night. Instead of using Ritalin OR dexamphetamine, CBD drops were a much more effective treatment. My son is now 30 and free of anxiety and managing his behaviour independently.
~Jen, Western Australia

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