Unlock The Benefits Of CBD Oil And Coffee: Surprisingly Good

It is autumn; Leaves everywhere are turning brilliant shades of orange and gold and the fall air is so crisp! It’s a time for warm drinks such as CBD oil and coffee, specifically, our special Pumpkin Latte.

It is also a time when we celebrate Halloween, pumpkins, and harvesting of fruits and vegetables.

Before I give you a delicious recipe for a Pumpkin Latte which combines CBD oil and coffee, let’s talk a little about Coffee (specifically, caffeine), CBD oil and coffee, the benefits, and side effects.


Pumpkin sitting on a stump, CBD oil and Coffee

Origins of Coffee

Coffee dates back as early as the 15th century, possibly earlier. We believe that the coffee bean was Ethiopian in origin. Confirmation of evidence of the coffee tree is from the early 15th century by Sufi Imam Muhammad Ibn Said Al Dhabhani who imported goods to the Yemen monasteries from Ethiopia.

The Ethiopians were the first to recognize the energizing effect of the coffee plant and would go on long hunting treks where they had more energy and suppressed appetites.

Coffee came into Europe in the 17th century and was viewed as “the bitter invention of Satan.” Coffee houses also started becoming very popular.

By the 18th century, coffee became a profitable commodity globally; consumption and popularity increased in the United States with many lucrative businesses everywhere including Folgers, Maxwell House, and Hills Brothers.

Today, according to the International Coffee Association, we pour about 1.4 billion cups of coffee daily worldwide and the United States consumes about 400 million cups daily!

I have a love/hate relationship with coffee and have given it up on more than one occasion, but the truth is, the love is stronger than the hate!

Benefits and Side Effects of Coffee


Many people give coffee a bad rap but here are some noted benefits:

  • An increasing level of energy
  • Protecting against type 2 diabetes
  • Lower incidence and control of tremors in Parkinson’s disease
  • According to an Italian researcher, the risk of liver cancer by about 40%
  • Lowering the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis (liver)
  • Protecting against heart failure
  • Possibly preventing premature death
  • Lowering the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Protecting against colon cancer
  • A source of antioxidants


However, on the flip side, some believe coffee isn’t good for you. One person is Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center. He states:

  • Caffeine in coffee increases stress hormones, which in turn increases insulin which in turn increases inflammation and this will make you feel lousy;
  • Caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity;
  • Unfiltered coffee leaks diterpenes into the system which has been linked to higher levels of triglycerides, LDL (Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and VLDL (low) levels;
  • Acidity is associated with digestive discomfort including indigestion, heartburn, GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) and imbalances of your gut flora;
  • Addiction makes it hard to rely on the body’s natural source of energy;
  • Additives to coffee such as cream and sugar might pack energy but have poor nutrition value;
  • Serotonin levels might be lower which is required for sleep, bowel functions and mood;
  • Secreting important chemicals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium in our urine can cause an imbalance of electrolytes;
  • Some medications such as thyroid and antidepressants are poorly absorbed if taken with coffee.

Regardless of both the pros and cons, as the statistics show you, there are coffee drinkers who wouldn’t go a day without it.

Benefits of CBD Oil and Side Effects

CBD (cannabidiol) is a phytocannabinoid (cannabinoid or compound) and one of the key ingredients found in the cannabis plant; it accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. CBD is non-psychoactive – in other words, you won’t get ‘high’ or in a euphoric state. Check here for a glossary of terms associated with CBD.


  • Supports management of chronic pain associated with cancer
  • Aiding those who want to stop smoking or use harmful drugs
  • It helps support the management of stress
  • Helps to manage PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Supports regular sleep cycles
  • It helps support recovery from inflammation caused by exercise


  • Drowsiness
  • ­­­­­Dry mouth
  • Low blood pressure
  • Drug interference
  • Increase in tremors in Parkinson’s

Combination of CBD Oil and Coffee

There has been very little research on the effects of combining CBD  oil with coffee (especially with caffeine). With legalization in Canada and the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, I expect there will be more research done on this as many establishments are already serving coffee and lattes with CBD and have been for some time now.

CBD Oil and coffee, stopper, coffee

You are probably wondering: “If caffeine is supposed to give you energy and stimulation, and CBD has a calming effect, doesn’t this seem at odds?”

One doctor, Bonni Goldstein (medical director of Canna-Centers) in an interview with Marie Clair states individuals will react differently to CBD doses, and combining CBD oil and coffee will produce different effects. She says:

It’s unclear at this point in time the exact interaction between CBD and caffeine. At low doses, CBD is a stimulant and in higher doses it can cause sedation and someone’s reaction to a combination of these compounds would not be easily predictable because various doses of each would affect the response.

CBD Oil and Coffee – Cold Brew Method

There is another point to consider, according to Dr. Goldstein, CBD content decreases when it is exposed to heat hotter than 71 degrees Fahrenheit and can lower the efficacy of CBD, reducing the amount available for absorption.

On April 18, 2019, Station Cold Brew Coffee Company in Toronto, a pioneer in the cold brew coffee industry and the largest in Canada, announced they were introducing a line of CBD-infused beverages partnering with Pasha Brands Ltd, the largest craft cannabis organization in Canada.

Cold brew coffee is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans at room temperature for up to six to 12 hours; it can then be mixed with milk or water. Combining CBD oil and coffee in a cold brew will give you a different but delicious experience.

Final Thoughts

If you think coffee is not good for you, perhaps you too might have to experiment and give it up for a while as I did. Only you will know if you feel any better. If we continue to drink coffee, it doesn’t hurt to be aware of both sides of the coin.

Now for that CBD oil and Coffee recipe, I promised you:



Pumpkin Spiced Latte, CBD oil and coffee


8 ounces of coffee
1 tablespoon ghee (or grass-fed butter)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon vanilla bean
Pinch of ground cloves
2 tablespoons organic pumpkin puree
2 tablespoons almond milk, unsweetened
Dropper of Joy Organics Natural CBD Tincture


  1. Brew your coffee.
  2. While the coffee brews, place all the ingredients except the CBD tincture into a blender.
  3. Pour the coffee over your ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.
  4. Empty the contents of the blender into a mug and stir in the CBD Tincture to enjoy.


To get the full benefits of the CBD tincture, let your coffee cool, add all ingredients (except the tincture) into the blender, and blend well. Pour into a mug and add tincture.

Optional: Serve over ice
(Recipe by Joy Organics)

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20 thoughts on “Unlock The Benefits Of CBD Oil And Coffee: Surprisingly Good”

  1. That is some great history of coffee and intriguing facts as well. 1.4 billion cups a day is just mind blowing I have heard of the benefits of CBD and they seem to outweigh the side effects. The love for coffee in every household and the benefits of CBD will really be a factor to look out for when deciding which one is more important. I must say the pumpkin coffee looks like one of a kind. Thankfully all the ingredients are easily available. Thank you for sharing this useful article.

    • Hi Carol. Yes, 1.4 billion cups of coffee a day is staggering! CBD and coffee has been around for awhile now. Many big companies are offering it in their establishments. As I mentioned, there is still so much more research that needs to be done. I hope you enjoy the latte. I too like the fact that all the ingredients are easy to get.

  2. This is really nice, coffee is a can’t do without thing for, this means I take it every blessed day with utmost joy and happiness because it gives me energy and the good feeling to start a new day for work. I’ve not tried the combination of CBD oil and coffee but giving it a trial won’t be bad. I really love the final thought, it’s really true that giving coffee a bit of space will make you realise what you’re on to and what you’re missing, I’m not seeing myself loose interest in coffee anytime soon and I don’t think I will. Thanks for this awesome article, and also for the Pumpkin latte. Thanks.

    • It really is hard to know if it is coffee that is the culprit when  you seem to be feeling good overall. I only gave it up because you hear how bad it is for you and then you read other articles that tell you it isn’t that bad. I guess we all have to figure out if we are drinking too much. I also tend to lean towards several cups a day instead of just one or two. Hope you enjoy the latte.

  3. It is surely going to be a trial for me since i take coffee on a regular before. Hence, it would be like just a normal addition with the inclusion of cbd oil. Though it would be better if i  try it out by myself first before introducing this combination to my family. I have used Cbd before and it was helpful so, I’m rather enthusiatic about using it alongside a good cup of coffee.

    • Hi Rodarrick. You mentioned that you have used CBD before. Was it for a particular reason and how long did you take it? I have been drinking coffee on and off for a long time. For awhile there, I was drinking it with a mixture of turmeric, cinnamon and coconut oil. Adding the CBD shouldn’t make a whole lot of difference.

  4. Saying CBD to work mostly through CB1 and CB2 receptors is not true, there were a couple of sites spreading this false information and nowadays 2/3 of all CBD sites have either copied these or used false information as a source for their CBD sites or CBD articles. Most cannabinoids can bind to both types of receptors — CB1 & CB2. … However, the phytocannabinoid CBD doesn’t directly trigger either receptor. Instead, it modifies the receptors’ ability to bind to cannabinoids. However, cannabiDIOL, CBD, is a part of our best healthy routines, agree on that.

    • Thank you for stopping by and your feedback. I appreciate you taking the time and I will definitely be doing more research on your comment.

  5. I do take CBD oil but in the capsule form, I love the thought of having CBD oil with coffee, personally, I think it would be safe to drink and in any case I would start with just trying a little just to test it, I wouldn’t just drink the whole think straight off, however, I really do love the look of your pumpkin latte and I certainly will be trying that, thank you for sharing.

    • Hi Russ. I take CBD but in the oil form. Just seems easier for me. I thought the same thing when I saw the photo of the latte, it certainly looks good! If you are already taking CBD, I don’t think the coffee would hurt you but again, start slow :).

  6. very great one you have got here and I truly fancy this a lot being a very good fan of coffee. The first thing i would like to say is that combining the side effects of this two would be a reason to consider before making use of it but then, it is still worth giving a trial too. Maybe I would give options to trying it out though.

    • Hello Ramos. Thanks for stopping by. It is always good to check things out and to go slowly, especially if you have never used CBD products before.

  7. You have make an excellent effort to present the pros and cons of both coffee CBD. I would gladly try out a combination of both. I have heard so much positive effects of using CBD oil. Unfortunately, I live in Norway. And the government has not been able to legalized it yet. Hopefully they will in time.

    Until that day I’m going to enjoy my coffee at least….

    • Hi Fred. I really appreciate you stopping by and your comments. Too bad it is not legalized in Norway but don’t give up hope. You might be interested in this article as it touches a bit on other areas where it is and isn’t legal.

  8. I am not a regular coffee but the information that you have provided will be helpful two those that must have a cup or two each morning. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. I’ve been reading quite a bit on CBD lately. I’m looking forward to trying it for a number of my health issues. I drink a lot of caffeinated pop but no coffee. It will be interesting to see how it affects my system. I’ll also be sure to let my coffee drinking family know. Thank you for this post!

    • Thank you Cathy for stopping by. CBD is great for a lot of health issues. I use it for my hips and knees and it helps me to sleep at night. Hope your family gets to try the pumpkin latte. Sure looks good, doesn’t it? Not sure what your health issues are but here are a couple of links that might interest you – What others say and about CBD in general.

  10. Unfortunately, CBD is not allowed in my country, Jordan.
    However, coffee is my preferred drink and I used to consume a lot of it on daily basis, especially espresso.
    Only recently that I reduced the amount of coffee that I drink on daily basis as I already have an overthinking problem and coffee only makes this more difficult for me, especially at night.
    Thank you for sharing this info with us!

    • Thank you Amjad. Coffee is my preferred drink also but I never drink it at bedtime. I think if one is already over stimulated, coffee would definitely add to that. You are wise to cut down on the amount you drink.

      I know there are many places that have not approved CBD. Is it something your country has looked at in the past?


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